Make signs/words you are teaching the child relevant to his or her
daily life - does it help them express their wants and needs or is it something
they are really interested in talking about?
Children need a lot of repetition to learn a new word, so try to use
the 5 times rule – find ways to use the word 5 times in quick succession
emphasizing the word. Look for and even make opportunities to practice the
word throughout the day.
Reinforcement: Praise the child's attempts even if it is not quite correct. With
practice, repetition and modeling, they will improve over time, but if they
become discouraged and don't try, they cannot improve. You learn by your
mistakes! It is also important to reinforce the child's use of the signs by
immediately following through with the action that the sign indicates if you
can. If they sign MORE, give them more immediately so they understand the
connection between the sign/word and getting more. If something works, then
it increases the likelihood that it will occur again. If it doesn't seem to work,
your baby will probably stop trying. Consistency is key.
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