Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sign of the Week - YELLOW

This week's sign is YELLOW!  Children love to talk about what they see. Teaching the names of colors, like YELLOW, gives children a way to expand their vocabulary. Now your baby can tell you that he sees a duck and that it is YELLOW.  To sign YELLOW, twist "Y" hand in front of body (thumb and pinkie sticking out, middle three fingers folded down).

Click here to download your free poster.

Note:  Many of the color signs use the first letter of the color, so it it very helpful to know the alphabet signs.  You can learn alphabet signs by going on - click here for the link.

Happy signing!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Sign of the Week - BLANKET

The Sign of the Week is BLANKET.  This easy sign is made by bringing fists under chin as if pulling up a blanket. By teaching babies the sign for BLANKET you are giving them a way to communicate their wants and needs - they can ask for a BLANKET when they are cold or as a comfort at bedtime.

Click here to download your free poster of this sign.

Speaking of blankets, I'd like to share with you a wonderful charity called Project Linus that collects and donates blankets made by people in the community to places such as NICU nurseries, shelters, recovery centers, etc.  Their mission is to "provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer "blanketeers"."   Indeed, there is nothing like a warm cozy, blanket made especially for you to make you feel special and loved.  My daughter has a blanket that was crocheted for her by one of the ladies in our church.  It was given to me as a shower gift and my daughter has loved that blanket for over 9 years!  I would tuck it around her so snuggly and tight when she was a baby and she would go right off to sleep just like that!  It has a big hole in the middle of it now and even that was kind of fun because she used it like a poncho for awhile.  This summer I plan to crochet a blanket or two to donate to Project Linus and pass on the "love" and perhaps you would want to as well!

Our local chapter of Project Linus:  Facebook - Project Linus Coachella Valley   Website -

Happy Signing!

Monday, May 14, 2012

May Product Highlight

The Product Highlight for this month is the Complete DVD SeriesThe Complete DVD Series retails for $99.00 but we have a fantastic deal for you.  This month only you can get it for only $55! That's an out-of-this-world $44.00 discount!  With summer coming around the corner, this is a great learning tool to review and keep fresh the signs you learned in Sign, Say & Play class, or to learn the signs if you have not had the opportunity to attend a Sign, Say & Play class. For the scoop on the latest from the AAP about TV and babies, please click here for the May On The Grow article by Dr. Linda Acredolo.

Retail Price:  $99.00
$55 MAY ONLY! 


The Baby Signs Complete DVD Series is a complete set of 7 DVDs:

  • My Mealtime Signs DVD teaches the signs for Eat, Drink, More, Milk, Cereal, Bib and All Done.

  • My Bedtime Signs DVD teaches the signs for Stars, Moon, Book, Light, Sleep and Love.

  • My Bath Time Signs DVD teaches the signs for Bath, Bubbles, Water, Toothbrush, Frog and Duck.

  • My Pets Signs DVD teaches the signs for Cat, Dog, Bird, Bunny, Fish and Turtle.

  • My Park Signs DVD teaches the signs for Ball, Butterfly, Slide, Flower, Tree and Swing.

  • My Getting Dressed Signs DVD teaches the signs for Hat, Coat, Shoes, Socks, Comb and Diaper.

  • Bonus: Welcome to the Baby Signs Program Parent DVD with 100-sign Video Dictionary

Preview the Complete DVD Series

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Love You Poem

Happy Mother's Day to all and especially to the new mom's out there! The first Mother's Day is always special!

Here is the "I Love You" poem for you. What better gift could you get from your child for Mother's Day than an "I Love You"? Click on the linked words to see the signs for them. You can teach the signs to your little one so even if they are too young to say "I love you", they can sign it to you!


Every BIRD

Every ONE

Now try to make up some more verses of your own!

(Print out a copy of the picture of the handout so you can point to the pictures as you sign them.)

Sign of the Week - MOMMY

Happy Mother's Day from your Baby Signs family!  Here's the sign for MOMMY:  Tap chin with thumb of open hand.

Click here to download your free poster of this sign

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sign of the week - BOOK

This week's Sign of the Week is BOOK. To sign BOOK, simply make a book with palms together and then open and close.  With this sign, your child can ask you to read a BOOK to him/her. Often it seems that they want the same book every single night, but the repetition is good for learning and the routine can make bed time easier for both you and your child.

Special Memories:  Books create special memories of time spent together and are great for bonding with your baby. I remember my mother playing tape recordings of my dad reading bed time stories to us while he was away in Vietnam. What a lovely way to keep his memory alive! I think my baby sister still didn't quite understand who that strange man taking HER place in mommy's bed was! 

Books on Video:  Now we can even make videos for our children! Here's a few videos I have made of some of my favorite children's books. 

Library Time:  The library is a great place to practice the sign for BOOK so don't forget to pay them a visit!  Libraries also often have free story times for preschoolers and even babies, so visit the website of your local library or give them a call.

Happy signing!