Babies love to look at other babies! With this Sign of the Week, your baby can tell you that he or she sees another baby! Use this sign when you see BABIES in books, at the store, or even when you see a BABY doll!
To sign BABY, cradle arms with palms facing up and rock them back and forth.
Click here to download your free copy of this poster!
Here's a little song or poem you can sing/say using this sign:
Here's the BABY's ball so big and soft and round,
Here's the BABY's hammer, see how he can pound,
Here's the big umbrella to keep the BABY dry,
And here's the BABY's cradle to rock her lullaby.
Tra la-la la-la la
Tra la-la la-la
Tra la-la la-la la
Tra la-la la-la
(I love this little song for working on the tongue movement for the /l/ sound! My little speech kids will just watch me fascinated while I do the tra-la-la's and then they will try it too!)
BeeBo and I will try to make a little video of this song for you so you can see how the tune goes! Well, you still might have to guess a little, but at least it might help!
Here's the a little video of the song we promised you! It's not going to win any awards, but at least you can hear how the song goes!