The Sign of the Week is ALL DONE because 2010 is all done! Starting with hands up, turn hands over and sweep outward. This is a great sign to use during mealtime, but it can also be used in daily routines such as "all done" playing or ready to get out of the bath. Think of the fussing you could avoid if your baby had a way of telling you they were all done without having to fuss and cry! Click on picture of the poster for a PDF copy you can download and print.
Remember you can come learn mealtime signs with us at Sign, Say & Play Class. Our Winter session starts Monday January 3rd at 4:15 at Our Little World in Palm Desert. This is our first class in the series and we will be doing mealtime signs. Call to pre-register - only 8 spots! Their phone number is 760-834-8531.
We also may have openings in a Parent Workshop January 12th at 6:30 pm. Please contact me, Lorraine@desertbabysigns or 760 567-7809, for more information.