BeeBo and I are excited about teaching Baby Signs classes at
Our Little World, a wonderful new place for parents and little ones in Palm Desert, across the street from the mall. Their website is
OurLittleWorldShop.comThe first 6 week session of Sign, Say & Play Classes starts Monday June 14th, 4:15 - 5:00. Sign up for class through
Our Little World.
Using the Baby Signs® Program:
• Reduces tears and frustration
• Strengthens the parent-infant bond
• Allows babies to share their worlds
• Promotes positive emotional development
• Boosts babies’ self confidence
• Helps babies learn to talk
• Stimulates intellectual development
Sign, Say & Play™ Curriculum
The Sign, Say & Play curriculum is a 6-week program of carefully crafted sequenced sessions developed especially for parents and babies 6 months to 2 years of age. By embedding the learning of signs in activites that promote cognitive, social, language, literacy, and sensory-motor develoment more generally, we are able to teach parents specific ways to provide the support in these areas that all babies need to make the most of ther critical first three years.
Each class is approximately 45 minutes in length and each week will introduce a new theme. Within that theme you will learn 6-7 signs. The stimulating activities, songs, play, and information introduced will all support learning the signs. Each week you will receive a handout that explains that weeks Baby Signs® and Baby Minds® Tips given about language and cognitive development along with the signs learned and words to the songs taught.
Sign, Say, & Play™ Outline
Week 1: Mealtime
Baby Signs
® Topic: The “What,” “Why,” & “How” of the Baby Signs® Program
Baby Minds
® Topic: Value of Pretend Play as a Symbolic Activity
Week 2: Bedtime
Baby Signs
® Topic: Choosing Signs to teach Babies
Baby Minds
® Topic: Value of Pretend Play as a Vocabulary-Rich Activity
Week 3: Bath Time
Baby Signs
® Topic: Comprehending and Eliciting Sign from Babies
Baby Minds
® Topic: Importance of Following a Child’s Lead
Week 4: Dressing
Baby Signs
® Topic: Waiting for Signs: Individual Differences
Baby Minds
® Topic: Important Role of Language Comprehension
Week 5: My Pets
Baby Signs
® Topic: Signing and Combining Words
Baby Minds
® Topic: The Many Values of Puzzle Play
Week 6: At the Park
Baby Signs
® Topic: The Transition to Words
Baby Minds
® Topic: Review of Past Week’s Topics and Q&A
Cost & Registration
Cost is $75 for 6 week session or $15.00 per class.
Offered through
Our Little World -
OurLittleWorldShop.comSign Say, & PlayTM Kit

Optional Sign, Say, & Play™ Kit is available at a discounted price of $45.00. The kit contains great resources to continue the learning process at home with your baby, providing ways to help parents reinforce the teaching of signs. The featured kit items are:
• My First Fun Signs DVD
• Baby Signs Video Dictionary DVD
• Baby Signs Board Book; Favorites
• Baby Signs Board Book: Time To Eat
• Higgledy-Piggledy, Bobbledy-Boop! Music CD
• Quick Reference Guide
• Baby Signs Memories Journal
Please order kit a week in advance in order to receive it on the first day of class. Click the Buy Now button to purchase kit. (Register for class separately at Our Little World.)