Hi! It's me, BeeBo, again! Boy did I have fun yesterday at a two year old birthday party! There was food, a jumper, pinata and Harpo the Clown! Harpo made balloon animals for us, showed us how to juggle, and painted our faces like clowns. The kids looked so cute with their red noses and cheeks! Then when it got dark, Harpo gave us light sticks and we jumped in the jumper with them. That looked really cool. And guess what? Harpo doesn't talk either! But he sure can communicate! He used gestures really well to get his point across. I sure liked seeing that!
At the party, I got to meet lots of kids and I used signs to talk and to sing the ABC song with them. Some of the older kids could sign along with me! I am making a video of the ABC song to post so you can sing and sign with me, and I will try to post in the next few days. So check back later in the week to see if it is here. (Lorraine is still learning how to do this, so it's taking her a little while!)If you want to learn and practice the mealtime signs "more", "eat", "drink", "cereal","milk", "bib", and "all done", come to my
class Monday 1/28/07 at 5:30. It is 45 minutes of singing, signing, learning and playing for mommies/daddies and little ones from 6 months up to around 2 to 2 and a half years old. Would love to see you there!
Hope you had a fun weekend too! I'll write again soon and get that video posted!